Welcome to 3rd Planet



Founded with a visionary spirit and an ambitious goal, 3rd Planet™ believes health should be approachable and affordable. Every concept starts with an issue, and ours was simple: the nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, and natural health products currently on the market were not meeting our high standards of quality and efficacy.


A Note from Our Founder

Hi, I’m so happy you’re here. I wanted to share why I created 3rd Planet.

With many years’ experience as a distributor and educator of professional nutritional and herbal supplements—and having worked extensively with healthcare practitioners— I started 3rd Planet™ to create a professional, high-quality supplement brand to provide innovative, clinically effective, and affordable products to everyone, with an environmental responsibility to give back to the planet.

At 3rd Planet, we created products with unique combinations of ingredients not currently on the market to fill gaps in the industry, revive effective formulas that are no longer obtainable, and offer better pricing on clinically proven, commonly available extracts. 

Our focus is on sourcing premium quality, clean, raw materials and extracts to formulate clinically effective products. We know where each ingredient in our products comes from and get to know every source. When developing 3rd Planet™ formulas, we apply modern scientific rigor without diluting the life energy of our ingredients, preserving their potency. We assure product claims are genuine, can be easily supported, and can create reproducible results. And, where possible, we utilize advanced technology for bioavailability enhancement and lower dose efficacy.

With gratitude,
Justin Toal

Founder & CEO

3rd Planet Formulator

Lee Carroll, BSc, BHSc (WHM) is a practicing medical herbalist and herbal educator with 30 years’ experience in the herbal industry. Lee has developed deep and unique insights into the clinical application of modern western herbal medicine, herbal manufacturing, herbal product development and herbal quality control.

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As an herbalist, I am passionate about promoting and teaching the magnificent, extensive and eclectic health-supporting properties that edible\medicinal plants and mushrooms have to offer.

Through 3rd PlanetTM I have the wonderful opportunity to help create an innovative and distinctive range of high-quality supplements
— Lee Carroll


Restore Your Body

Professional-grade, premium supplements made with high quality functional mushrooms, herbs, and superfoods. Designed to help you meet the demands of daily life.